I feel like I have something to write. Something more than, "oh look the Mets just lost." Wait, I know...how about....
How long ago was it that I first spoke of walking every street in Manhattan and coming home and marking off the streets with a sharpie on my Hagstrom map? Well, here's the left page of Map #4:
You can see I have Greenwich Village pretty much covered, though I have to push myself Easterer to get that true river to river fill. You can also see I've been slowly but surely taking care of midtown, though downtown has really been neglected Those tentacles you see extending south from Houston really don't lead to much filling in. When the downtown page begins to look a bit more traversed, then it'll get introduced in an update. I do like the way that West Village looks, though I still have to hit up Downing Street from Houston to Morton to have it fully complete.
I think Edwin Starr put it best:
I got to keep on walkin',
I got to walk on...
But I gots way more than twenty-five miles to go.
There's miles to go before I sleep I tells ya...MILES!
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