Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Once Again...

Somebody forgot to wind the Nettar forward. I wonder who that could have been...

I'd like to think that this image has some redeeming qualities:

What I was trying to do was to try to get a sense of perspective with the opening in the arch and the pillars with the woman standing there...

So I just got an unexpected knock on the door, which is unusual for this hour. I guess that's why I called it, "unexpected." It was a neighbor from down the hall having a refrigerator crisis, and it was up to me and my working freezer to save her perishables. So after I agree, she goes down the hall to get her food while I go to my fridge and open up the freezer to make some room. And then...

I don't know where it was, or how it was sitting on the freezer door, but I have one of those little hand-held Black and Decker electric screwdriver deals. It's not a full-sized drill. It looks more like a ray gun actually, but small as it may be, it sure smarts when it falls five feet directly onto your big toe, which is now staining a paper towel red, and much more quickly than I'd like. Though I only applied the paper towel after my neighbor came back with her food, and wondered if she would happen to look down and notice the blood spilling over my big toenail onto the floor.

I wonder if it's broken? No, I'm not freaked out by that. I've broken toes before without even bothering to go to the hospital (Ooh, I'm such a manly man! Look out Primo Carnera, there's a new kid in town!), but I'm wondering how this will affect my not-so-little walking around the entire city, at least in the very near future.

Actually I should be glad the damned thing fell on my foot, since it saved this post from being a complete bore.

I suffer for my art, MAAAAN!

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